VANQUISH ScTi - 30" Lacrosse Shaft
"Vanquish: To defeat someone completely in a war, battle or a competition. To subdue completely. Conquer." -Oxford English Dictionary
The VANQUISH ScTi professional lacrosse shaft uses the highest grade Scandium Titanium alloy available anywhere. Weighing in at 186 grams, engineered with a scalloped oval profile and a 1.0 mm shaft wall thickness, the Vanquish ScTi lacrosse shaft offers the durability of a professional handle that would be significantly heavier if made with any other material. Made in the Savage X Lacrosse factory and available direct to you, we are able to offer the Vanquish ScTi lacrosse shaft at an unbeatable price. The Vanquish ScTi ranks in quality of materials and workmanship with every other professional lacrosse shaft on the market. Three month warranty is included, integrity of materials and workmanship guaranteed.
About Scandium
Scandium was discovered as in 1879 by Lars Frederik Nilson of the University of Uppsala, Sweden. The element’s name is derived from the Latin name for Scandinavia and has been assigned the symbol "Sc". It is classified as a Rare Earth metal, has a silvery-white color and is moderately soft. It has the unique property of being extremely lightweight, but because it lacks durability it has to be alloyed with stronger metals, typically with Titanium. Because of it's rarity it is very expensive, an ounce of Scandium cost roughly $7,654.50, compared to Gold at $2,158.00 per ounce. It is typically found in aerospace, military and sports applications.